Final Reflection Blog

 Final Reflection Blog

    At first, I was very apprehensive about keeping a running blog journal, especially with the large quantity of blogs we had to keep. I still think blogs are irrelevant in the world of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, where posts are more concise and take less thought.
    My posts were all very different. I had the hardest time making my first blog because I don't like to share personal interests or tell people about myself. As time passed, I felt more comfortable sharing knowledge and short reviews of things that caught my interest like Nidhogg, The Whale, and Cherry. I didn't know how much to post either, so most of my blogs took about 20-30 minutes, and I made them whenever I had a second and my laptop. Making the inquiry project set of blogs was enjoyable because I liked the information I found which supported both sides of the argument, while having the discussion in a digital format.

    I don't plan to keep blogging after this. I don't use social media unless it's to promote business, and I don't think I'm comfortable with sharing personal information with the public. I may keep a journal, but probably not. My journal entries are mostly just me venting to my wife about my day or sharing with her the things that excite me. Journaling is good for reflection and history; this just isn't the format for me.


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